The Ways of Childhood - Theological Studies - Church History - Book
Just a few words cannot summarize the story of the master of the word… George Khodr is more than a writer and more than a scholar. Before all else, he is a pastor who used well his talents to introduce Christ into the human heart as well into the intellect. Born in a multicultural and multi-confessional orbit, he kept a well rooted faith without being hemmed in, either within strict conservatism or within an atmosphere of liberalism. The Antiochian Church is grateful to this man, as he also is grateful to the Church in which God planted him as a child, a youth leader, a priest, an orator, and a pastor of souls.Well rooted in the tradition like the cedar, and the adopter of an open approach to other religions and confessions, exactly like the cedar extending its branches to all, he can worthily be called the “cedar of the Antiochian Church.”
—His Beatitude, John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East
About the Author: Metropolitan Georges Khodr, Archbishop of Byblos and Mount Lebanon, is one of the foremost Christian voices of the Middle East. He studied theology at the Institut Saint-Serge in Paris, and received an honorary doctorate from St Vladimir’s Seminary in 1968.