The Experience of God, Vol. 4: The Church: Communion in the Holy Spirit by Staniloae - Theological Studies - Christian Life Book
As we see in this volume and the others that constitute his Dogmatic Theology, Fr. Staniloae is both steeped in the ancient tradition and conversant with his contemporaries...The result in the present volume is a theological work focusing on the Church that draws on the voices of his tradition, studies the reflections of his contemporaries, and constructs a "traditional" synthesis that is unique and fresh.
Fr. Staniloae's work is characterized by that dual fidelity - to the past and to the present - that is the requirement of any theologian of any era. But it is infused by a sense of inspiration that is difficult to find in any modern theological writing. Fr. Staniloae's readers are encountering a voice that is thoroughly reliable in that it is so learned and faithful. But it is a deeply person voice - creative and stunningly, disarmingly free.
- Peter C. Bouteneff, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
Paperback 187 pages
Foreword - Peter C. Bouteneff |
p. vii |
1. The Descent of the Holy Spirit and the Beginning of the Church |
p. 1 |
2. The Theandric Constitution of the Church |
p. 13 |
A. The Church as the Mystical Body of Christ and Christ as Her Head |
p. 13 |
B. The Foundation of the Church: God's Incarnate Son |
p. 16 |
C. The Church Imprinted with Christ's Sacrifice |
p. 22 |
D. The Church Pneumatized by the Spirit of the Risen Christ |
p. 27 |
3. Christ's Threefold Ministry and the Priesthood of the Church |
p. 33 |
A. Christ's Priesthood in the Church |
p. 33 |
B. Christ's Priesthood in the Church through the Universal Priesthood |
p. 38 |
C. Christ's Priesthood in the Church through the Serving Priesthood |
p. 39 |
D. The Three Stages of Priesthood |
p. 41 |
E. The Succession of Grace: Christ's Priestly Work Continued through Other Ministries |
p. 42 |
F. The Serving Priesthood's Role in Maintaining the Unity of the Church |
p. 44 |
G. A Detailed Explanation of the Bishop's and Priest's Relationship with Christ |
p. 45 |
H. The Synodality of the Bishops and How the Church's Sobornicity Depends upon It |
p. 49 |
I. The Serving Priesthood and the Visible Character of the Church |
p. 52 |
4. Attributes of the Church as the Body of Christ |
p. 57 |
A. The Unity of the Church |
p. 57 |
B. The Holiness of the Church |
p. 68 |
C. The Integral Sobornicity of the Church |
p. 79 |
D. The Apostolicity of the Church |
p. 86 |
5. The Working of the Holy Spirit: Divine Grace and Human Freedom |
p. 95 |
A. The Working of the Holy Spirit, or Divine Grace |
p. 95 |
B. The Human Person's Free Cooperation with Grace |
p. 107 |
C. Gifts as Workings of the Spirit |
p. 110 |
6. The Human Person's Salvation within the Body of Christ |
p. 119 |
A. Righteousness, Justification, Growth, and Ascent in the Spirit |
p. 119 |
B. The Human Person's Rebirth and the Indwelling of Christ |
p. 133 |
C. The Gift of Salvation Appropriated through Faith and Good Works |