Garden in the East: The Spiritual Life of the Body - IP Award Winner - Christian Life - Book
by Angela Doll Carlson
Silver Medal winner of the 2018 Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY)
Inspirational/Spiritual category
How we care for and nurture our bodies has implications for all areas of our development—physical, emotional, and even spiritual. The body is a living and organic revelation of the unseen spirit inside—a kind of garden. Garden in the East is a poetic exploration of how the care of the body can lead us to wholeness and wellness in every area of our lives.
About the Author: Angela Doll Carlson is a poet, fiction writer and essayist whose work has appeared in publications such as St. Katherine Review, Rock & Sling Journal, Ruminate Magazine, Ink & Letters, Whale Road Review, Elephant Journal, Relief Journal, and Art House America. Her memoir, Nearly Orthodox: On Being a Modern Woman in an Ancient Tradition, was published in 2014. Angela currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband, David, and her four outrageously spirited yet remarkably likable children.
Paperback - 192 pages