ENTERING THE ORTHODOX CHURCH by Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos - Catechetical Instruction - Spiritual Instruction - Pastoral Care - Book
Author: Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos
Paperback 203 pages
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Entering the Orthodox Church is an important contribution to the pastoral care of those entering the Orthodox Church.
After an introductory section on catechetical instruction in the Orthodox tradition, the first seven ‘Catechisms’ set out in the book draw upon the parable of the prodigal son. For each ‘lesson’ there is an outline, followed by a discussion of what the selected aspect of the parable – for instance the behaviour of the elder son – can teach us. The remaining nine Catechisms are based on the Creed, looking first at the Creed as a whole and then at the individual articles. Each Catechism is followed by questions and answers on all the points covered, to make sure everything has been understood.
After a chapter on the service in which the Sacrament of Baptism takes place, the book concludes with an essential reminder about the need for spiritual guidance for those recently baptised. This is a very valuable and practical handbook, and has proved extremely popular.