Being Bread - Christian Life - Book Orthodox Christian Book

Being Bread - Christian Life - Book

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Author: Stephen Muse
Published: 2015
Size: 5.25x8
Pages: 233  Paperback

How can we become again like little children - with open hearts free of the numbness and guile that so infects us as adults - to become aware of God's continuing presence, filling our lives with beauty and meaning?  This book points the way and shows us the path we must follow. The reader will soon discover that Christ is there at the beginning of our journey, accompanies us along the way - and is indeed the path itself - and waits for us with open arms at the end of our journey. Here is a book rich with insight into being able to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, the sacramental and therefore the relational nature of everyone and everything - and the consequences of this vision for how we ought to live our lives as believers.--Fr. Steven Tsichlis, St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine, CA.

If as Dostoevsky says, "Beauty will save the world," it is because beauty arises only in the presence of love. Without love, there is nothing beautiful. There is nothing valuable. There is nothing meaningful. Meaning arises and transformation occurs through the call and response of personal encounter when we discover a third presence Who offers us being-in-relationship that is greater than the determinism and inertia of biological life. The stories and reflections in this volume are offered in celebration of the One who, in surprising ways and unexpected circumstances, becomes the precious and pure gift of our being bread so that we may live the mystery of becoming bread for others. I wish this for all who read this book.