An Extraordinary Peace: St. Seraphim, Flame of Sarov - Lives of Saints Book
An Extraordinary Peace: St. Seraphim, Flame of Sarov
By Archmandrite Lazarus Moore
Paperback 350 pages
Originally printed in 1992, this work that many call a “classic” for Orthodox readers has been freshened considerably. We feel it is an edition worthy of the incredible text given to us by the late Archimandrite Lazarus Moore. Most people know the conversation between St. Seraphim and Motovilov in the forest; that is in chapter 8 of this book!
- The life of Saint Seraphim of Sarov
- Foreword by Bishop HILARION Kapral (ROCOR)
- Introduction from 1994 edition by Catherine Lucinda Penn
- Original artwork (frescos on covers, portrait of St. Seraphim, 5 illustrations, portrait of Fr. Lazarus, small liturgical-style renderings throughout, some page ornamentation)
- Added footnotes
- Direct quotes/excerpts offset
- Reflection on Fr. Lazarus Moore
- Manuscript history and editorial notes
- Prayer Rules of St. Seraphim (as found in text)
- Akathist to St. Seraphim (translated by Fr. Lazarus Moore)