A Trunk Full of Tales by Samuel E Campbell - Fiction - Teenagers

A Trunk Full of Tales by Samuel E Campbell - Fiction - Teenagers

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Paperback 360 pages

This book has been a work of love for my two boys, now grown men. I started it when they were boys and have now finally finished it. The story is a moral fantasy adventure, in the fashion of C.S. Lewis. My hope is that my boys, and their children will enjoy this adventure and bring generations of young and old much pleasure. I'm not ashamed that this book is Christian in its manner, nor that it has a moral at the end, that I hope is not lost in the adventure of the story. There be pirates, dragons, knights, dwarfs, and a multitude of creatures that will lead you on a quest of an adventure as you peruse these pages. These are all of the things I was wont to read as a child, and still as an adult I get pleasure out of reading about these creatures. I hope they bring you as much joy and pleasure, as they have brought me as I sat and wrote each line. Dedicated to my two sons, Aaron and Jeremy, the main characters of the story. I love you both with all of my heart and know that you will do great things in your lives, and those of your wives and children.Last, but not least, I thank God for the desire to write, and the imagination that seems to flow out of my mind with the ease of turning on a faucet. I truly pray that you will enjoy this story, and the characters within its pages. Samuel E. Campbell

About the Author

The author, Samuel E. Campbell, was born in Pennsylvania, raised in San Diego, California, was and is an avid reader of books, comics, and loves Science Fiction. It was not until later years that he discovered the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, and C. S. Lewis. These two authors were a great influence on his imagination and the kinds of heroic characters that he enjoyed reading about and finally writing about. The author served in the Unites States Navy for eight years active and six years in the USN Reserves. Through these years he was fortunate to travel almost all the way around the world and visit many countries. The adventure of exploring these various countries have had an influence on his writing, as he has seen many different cultures and peoples that have been uplifting in their differences. The author is a member of the Orthodox Church and functions as a Reader during the Liturgical services. His Christian background, from a small child to the present, has influenced his writing to reflect the glory and grace of his God and he is not ashamed to let the reader know of it. Now retired, due to health issues, he has embarked on a plan to write books that are uplifting, and joyful in their content. It is his hope that you enjoy his writing and desire to see more in the coming years.