The Wedding in Cana: The Power and Purpose of the First Miracle of Christ - Commentaries - Book
"In the present volume, Fr George focuses his attention on the Gospel of John, and specifically the marriage feast in Cana. This episode, at the beginning of the Gospel, offers a unique and important lens that brings into focus many themes that occur throughout the Gospel, climaxing in the Passion: ‘the first of his signs’ manifesting his ‘glory,’ ‘the third day,’ ‘the hour,’ the ‘woman,’ the changing of water into wine, the best wine, and, of course, the marriage itself. Fr George offers us twelve meditations on different aspects of this episode, bringing to bear insight drawn from the Scriptures, the Fathers, Liturgy and its hymnography, modern theologians and scriptural scholars.”
—Very Rev. Dr John Behr
The Father Georges Florovsky Distinguished Professor of Patristics (SVS)
Metropolitan Kallistos Chair of Orthodox Theology,Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam