The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts and other Lenten hymns as sung by the St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary Choir, directed by David Drillock.
1. The Great Litany
2. Lord I Call Upon Thee--Tone 3 (Kievan Chant)...
3. O Gladsome Light (Znamenny Chant)
4. Let My Prayer Arise (D. Bortniansky)
5. Now The Powers Of Heaven (D. Bortniansky)
6. Litany--The Lord's Prayer (Obikhod Melody)
7. O Taste And See (Kievan Chant)
8. Prase And Thanksgiving (Kievan Chant)
9. Open To Me The Doors Of Repentance (B. Ledkovsky)
10. By The Waters Of Babylon (V. Krupitsky)
11. The Greate Prokeimenon (B. Ledkovsky)
12. A Helper And A Protector (N. Bakhemtev)
13. Behold The Bridegroom (N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
14. O Son Of God (A. L'vov)
15. The Wise Thief (B. Ledkovsky)