Weapons from Paradise: The Epic of the Grail - Fiction Book
Weapons From Paradise: The Epic of the Grail
By Christopher Lewis
Paperback 452 pages
A simple Roman soldier witnesses events he cannot understand nor explain in the Garden of Gethsemane. Torn flesh is healed miraculously before his very eyes by a Jewish fisherman at the center of a baffling controversy. Little does the soldier know, but this begins an odyssey that will take him to far-flung lands, both interior and exterior. Initially plunged into madness by witnessing the "death of God" and being unaware of his resurrection, the soldier wanders to Glastonbury. Meeting Joseph of Arimathea, who took Christ down from the Cross, and Bran the Archdruid, master of the ancient wisdom, he encounters a confluence of two powerful worlds which send him on the greatest of quests. 20 years in the making, this epic poem commands a sweeping view of Christianity as the new religion, Arthurian legend, the Roman incursion into the British Isles, and the intersections of the greatest of themes within a human heart.
About The Author
For author and poet Christopher Lewis, writing is a way of life and has been for decades. But for this productive wordsmith the impetus to follow the movement of his soul has been an equal summons he could not ignore, and his own spiritual journey has guided and goaded his pen. The result for his fortunate readers is a splendid synthesis of craft and spiritual vision, with a particularly Orthodox ethos. Over the years, he has produced a great collection of writings, including three major plays, a novel, an epic poem, several short stories and longer verse narratives, and dozens of shorter poems. He was published several times in the early 90’s in Epiphany Magazine and the magazines City Canticle and Tight, all Bay Area publications that are no longer in print. Anaphora Press is very pleased to be the publisher for his first book, a collection of poems entitled Mysteries of Silence.
Christopher lives in lovely Port Townsend, WA, a Victorian-era seaport town on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, lush greenery, and the oceanic playground of the Puget Sound, plenty of natural inspiration is at his fingertips. He is an ordained Sub-Deacon in the Orthodox Church of America and worships at St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church with his family. Christopher is available for poetry readings at churches or bookstores in the Pacific Northwest.