The Illumined Heart Capture the Vibrant Faith of Ancient Christians By Frederica Mathewes-Green - Book - Christian Life
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From the author:
When I look back at the process of writing The Illumined Heart, I'm amazed all over again at how God directed it. I wrote the whole thing in a week, the week before Christmas, in fact, which is so typically congested with last-minute errands, unpredicatable weather, aches and sniffles. For Orthodox Christians, it's also a week that we fast from meat and dairy, adding another ball to the juggling act. Yet somehow I started writing the book on Monday morning and completed it Sunday night, just fourteen minutes after the Christmas Eve service began. (I kept wondering where in the week I'd dawdled and lost that fourteen minutes.)
It's no wonder that I look at The Illumined Heart as the one out of all of my books that felt the most God-directed. Mostly, he told me when to shut up. For a cup-runneth-over writer like me, starting a book is like moving into mid-pregnancy and putting on those stretch-front trousers for the first time; they're like a license to eat. And knowing that I have room to write on and on, whatever comes to mind, makes for abundant, wandering prose. Yet The Illumined Heart is quiet, proportional, just-enough; it's like a jewel. It's no wonder that this is a personal favorite among my own books, and the one I must urge people to read. I'm pleased by the amount of good work it's done so far, and hope that it will continue to do much more.
"A clear, compelling witness of Gospel truth...cuts through the niceties, the comfortable feel-good pap, the tempting cliches, to offer a hard, bold challenge: to live the Christian life as Christ meant it to be lived." —Lauren Winner
"The Illumined Heart will be of great help to anyone striving to walk the timeless path of Christ in our time." —Dallas Willard
"Breathtakingly counter-cultural, and worth more to the honest seeker than shelves of what passes for practical spirituality these days." —Rod Dreher
Paperback 111 pages