Georges Florovsky - Church History - Christian Life - Theological Studies - Book
Includes a bibliography of Florovsky's writings, photos, and index.
This book is devoted to the life and thought of Georges Florovsky. As a Russian intellectual, he was a major figure in that remarkable generation of Russians who, after the Russian revolution, in emigration in Europe, preserved and extended the lively cultural heritage of their native land. As an Orthodox churchman, he was a pioneer leader in the modern ecumenical movement and is recognized today as the most profound Orthodox theologian of the twentieth century.
Three kinds of readers will benefit from this book: the general reader seeking acquaintance with Florovsky and his times; the student of Russian history or theology who knows of Florovsky but who seeks greater knowledge and appreciation of his contribution to the study of Russian and to Orthodox theology; and scholars and specialists for whom Fr Florovsky's name is legendary and his creative work is of abiding scholarly interest, whose research will be facilitated by having a fresh and comprehensive assessment of him and essential but hard to find bibliographical and archival data.
The book has five parts. In a 200-page essay, Andrew Blane offers the fullest and most vibrant account to date of Georges Florovsky's life, weaving into the story an extensive description of his work within and contributions to the ecumenical movement and the World Council of Churches, which are so significant a part of Florovsky's career. In parts two and three, distinguished essays by Marc Raeff and George Williams provide the finest analyses yet made of Florovsky as a Russian intellectual historian and as an Orthodox theologian. The fourth part contains a bibliography of Georges Florovsky's published writings, with over 370 items in some ten languages. The final section presents descriptions of the deposits of Fr Florovsky's papers in the library collections of Princeton University and St Vladimir's Seminary.
About the Author: Andrew Blane is professor Russian history (emeritus) at the City University of New York and secretary of the Andrei Sakharov Foundation.