Words into Spirit: Pastoral Perspectives on Confession - Christian Life - Book
Editor: Stephen Muse
Pages: 363 Paperback
"The life of the father-confessor who perseveres in contrite mourning will be rich in experiences of both spiritual joy and suffering. His mind moves simultaneously along all the depth and height and breadth of the way of the Lord." -Archim. Zacharias Zacharou Excerpt from Chapter One A point of reference is crucial for today's pastor, thrown as he is into an ocean of anxiety and despair, struggling to bring Christ's flock into a safe harbor. Words into Spirit is just such a reference point. Comprising the sage advice of fifteen authors, it is a wealth of practical and applicable approaches to the challenges brought to the pastor, not just in confession but in the myriad interactions that accompany the life of the spiritual father. Focused primarily on the particular complexities of marriage and family life, Words into Spirit serves as a timely contribution when those institutions are being especially assailed by our broader culture.